Matt Atkins
Matt Atkins
Hi, I’m Matt. I am a PropTech focused product manager working at SmartRent. Currently based in Philadelphia. Forever fascinated by the intersection of hardware & software.

Favorite feature

It is so hard to pick a favorite but I am consistently delighted by the Random Raycast Wallpaper command. I will usually run it once a week & have a beautiful new desktop wallpaper which adds a level of professionalism to my screenshots for documentation.

Most used Commands, Quicklinks, Scripts and Snippets

Taking full advantage of the custom keyboard shortcuts helps create a lot of efficiencies at work. Everyday I use Raycast to resize windows for half screen or quarter screen alignments to make multitasking much easier.

I also use the create JIRA ticket & floating notes to never miss capturing ideas during product reviews! Here are a few more to call out:

  • Emoji Picker
  • Quicklink for easy sharing of my “Book a Meeting with me” page
  • Searching for GIFs
  • Start/Join Zoom meetings

Top extensions from the Store

Things for capturing to do items & adding them to the correct projects.


Currency exchange for any international business news.


Aliases, hotkeys, and fallback searches

  • ⌃ ⌥ + left arrow for Left Half in Window Management
  • ⌃ ⌥ + right arrow for Right Half in Window Mangement
  • ⌃ Space for Create To Do
  • ⌘ = for Create Jira Ticket

Anything else

I really enjoy getting to ask questions in the community directly to the development team! There is a fantastic response time + other power users who have A+ solutions.

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